September 25th | 1pm ET / 10am PT

Value-Driven Sales: From Frameworks to the Field

In this masterclass we'll discuss how to ensure your sales process isn’t just a framework in a slide deck or Salesforce, but an actionable playbook that drives revenue.

Register for Masterclass
Anurag Goel
Head of Value Consulting and Realization
Maggie Callahan
Director, Global Revenue Enablement
Omer Krugman
Sr. Director, Global Innovation
Ross Rich
CEO at Accord

In today's competitive B2B market, simply ‘having a sales process’ isn't enough. 

If you don’t obsess over a value-based customer journey that translates from the C-suite down to day-to-day conversations in the field, you’ll miss targets.

To consistently win, the best leaders are driving a value-centric approach that makes it easy for front-line sellers and managers to build trust and strong relationships with potential customers.

You’ll learn
  • How to effectively roll out a value-based sales motion 

  • How to develop a training framework that translates strategy and methodology into real impactful conversations on the field

  • Proven tactics for enforcing sales best practices, including multi-threading, exec alignment, and stakeholder mapping