How Mosaic Streamlines Onboarding & Adoption

Mosaic shortens onboarding cycles by 50% using Accord. See how Mosaic uses Accord to simplify software adoption for finance leaders.

The Company 

Mosaic is the first strategic finance platform that provides real-time analytics and planning to get from data to decision faster. By eliminating the need for manual data processing and cumbersome reporting, Mosaic accelerates decision-making processes, allowing businesses to respond swiftly to changing market dynamics and emerging opportunities.

Additionally, Mosaic integrates with essential business systems — including ERPs, CRMs, HRIS, billing systems, and data warehouses — and automates data aggregation and dashboarding, providing users with an all-in-one dashboarding and financial modeling system.

Eman Abdel-Latif is the Director of CS at Mosaic. As the first CS hire three years ago, Eman has worn many hats during her tenure at Mosaic. Today, she leads the CS team which is responsible for onboarding customers onto the company’s platform, driving adoption, and scaling CS operations. 

The Problem 

Before Accord, Mosaic’s CSMs relied heavily on email to keep in touch with clients during onboarding. Despite having detailed playbooks and processes in place, their efforts often got lost in translation — especially because the company’s clients were already inundated with countless other emails. 

“All of those follow-ups were getting buried in our customers’ emails, and they weren’t actioning them,” says Eman. 

So, not only were Mosaic's CSMs finding it tough to keep things on track, but clients also had limited visibility into the whole onboarding journey and what to expect next. As a result, Mosaic’s CSMs struggled to onboard clients efficiently because customers didn’t have a holistic understanding of the end-to-end onboarding process and all the steps involved. 

The Solution 

Mosaic uses Accord to manage customer onboarding from A to Z. “We introduce Accord as soon as a customer is passed from Sales to CS. From that moment, the customer can see end-to-end all of the steps that need to be taken to complete the onboarding process,” says Eman.  

This creates a more organized, efficient process for customers. With tasks clearly laid out and training documents easily accessible, customers can track their progress against predetermined dates and timelines. 

But the benefits don’t stop there. Accord is also a tool that helps Mosaic onboard new CSMs in a faster, more efficient manner. “Previously, CSM training relied on Google sheets, but now Accord is our central source of truth for all aspects of employee training and onboarding.” This enables CSMs to ramp faster so they can immediately start adding value. Mosaic customers rave about how great the CSMs are. And we all know happy customers = longer customers. 

Simplified Onboarding & Seamless Software Adoption

Mosaic’s primary clientele — CFOS, VPs of finance, and CEOs — have limited bandwidth. These execs don’t have time to sift through emails searching for onboarding instructions. They need simplicity, which is exactly what Accord offers. 

By providing a centralized platform, Mosaic’s customers can easily access all their tasks, focus on top priorities, and tackle them in manageable increments. This significantly reduces onboarding cycles. Customers that interact with Accord onboard 50% faster, says Eman. 

When it comes to establishing a repeatable process, CSMs are able to ensure clarity and consistency across the board. Training videos are linked within Accord’s platform, enhancing accessibility for customers and facilitating easy access to bite-sized training modules.

And despite concerns about software adoption, the transition to Accord has been seamless. Its intuitive UI requires minimal training, with users naturally navigating through the platform. The ability for users to ask questions directly within the software streamlines communication, enabling CSMs to promptly provide answers to client questions.