Maximizing AE Efficiency in 2023, ft. Top SaaS Sales Leaders/Advisors

Seller's Journey Episode 30
Transparent sales process - working together
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After an especially challenging 2022, sales leaders need a predictable path to hitting their 2023 revenue targets.

The key? A clearly defined sales methodology that ALL your reps can consistently follow.

In this masterclass for senior sales leaders, we covered how to maximize your reps’ productivity & drive repeatable revenue through your sales methodology – increasing your sales efficiency by implementing a proven process.

Watch or listen to the full session to learn:

🔁 How to operationalize your MEDD(P)ICC methodology

💯 Tips for empowering your reps with a proven process

📈 Tactics for driving more revenue with fewer resources

Meet the experts:

  • Pleasant Middelhof, Manager, New Business Sales at Rollworks – passionate educator turned sales leader; formerly at Outreach and Pendo
  • Elizabeth Andrew, SaaS Sales Executive & Strategic Advisor – experienced advisor & 3x VP of Sales, formerly at Netomi, Skillsoft, Parley Pro & Dropbox

Listen to the masterclass audio-only on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, or watch the recording! 👇

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