execution excellence

In this edition: enablement masterclass recap, new pod episodes + new Accord features
Transparent sales process - working together
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Been spending the last few months flying coast-to-coast, spending time with prospects + customers across San Fran, New York, Denver, Chicago, etc.

 I always try to instill in my team how important & energizing it is to connect with customers IRL… and these trips have been exactly that! 

 The only silver bullet in Sales / CS I know to manifest successful customers, real relationships, and hitting aggressive revenue targets is, and always has been, getting on the field and creating your own luck! 

 This is your sign to make it happen and jump on that flight, train, or car ride! 

 Next up? London in T-5 hours. Any revenue leaders I should be meeting with? 

 During these trips, a lot of the conversations I’ve been having with execs have been about how their teams can de-risk their number for the year and bring more rigor to how their sales org is working deals…

 The realities of modern sales have changed, and customers expect MORE (informed points of view, CFO-proof business case, exec engagement, and a proactive path to success…all the reasons we built Accord).

 How is your team enforcing execution excellence and delivering results with customers? 

- Ross

In this newsletter:

  • Takeaways from the Execution Excellence Masterclass
  • 10/10 GTM Podcast - Latest Episodes with Chloe Stewart, Peter Borkovich,
  • Paul Snelson and David Priemer
  • Revenue and Leadership Podcasts and Books to Check Out
  • New Features in Accord

Takeaways from the Execution Excellence Masterclass

Recently we chatted with enablement leaders from Databricks, Teamwork, and Slack to discuss how to translate enablement investments to execution on the field. Was a killer session where we covered how to adopt and enforce winning methodologies with rigor, rolling out new sales and cs processes that actually impact customer interactions, and strategies to guarantee org-wide adoption of proven best practices.

How to adopt & enforce winning methodologies with rigor

Successful adoption and enforcement of strategic initiatives boils down to cultural alignment and executive team engagement. What doesn’t get reinforced from the top down isn’t going to make its way to impacting reps.

Rolling out new sales & cs processes that actually impact customer interactions

To effectively implement new sales and CS processes that drive enablement impact, collaboration with executives and managers is key.

“You need to give your organization a framework,” said Ashton Williams, Director of Strategic Programs at Slack. “I align my leaders with the framework because everyone at the company needs to be clear on what the growth levers are, what we’re going after, who we’re trying to reach, and what success looks like.”

Strategies to guarantee org-wide adoption of proven best practices

When determining where to focus the majority of your energy, there are two important pillars to consider: onboarding and change agility

A solid onboarding program will show your scalable processes and line up with how customers buy. Reps need to leave training sessions knowing exactly how to do their job successfully.

It's also important to make change agility part of your company’s fabric. This is important because market fluctuations, pricing changes, and shifting customer preferences are inevitable. You need to help your reps see the entire picture and know how to put the puzzle together.

Both onboarding and change agility are indispensable. Properly training your reps and providing them with the adaptability required to navigate market shifts is essential for ongoing success.

Check out the full masterclass here.

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10/10 GTM Podcast - Latest Episodes with Chloe Stewart, Peter Borkovich, Paul Snelson, and David Priemer.  

Awesome conversations with top revenue leaders Chloe Stewart, Peter Borkovich, Paul Snelson and David Priemer. In our most recent episodes we chat about:

  • Being someone customers want to buy from
  • Holding yourself accountable to outcomes and benchmarks
  • Making it easier for buyers to buy and sellers to sell
  • Why effort is not coachable
  • Nailing the problem, not the solution

Check out the full episodes below and subscribe to get alerted when new ones drop!

Episode 26 - Winning Customers and Driving Growth with Chloe Stewart
In this episode, Chloe and I talk about the importance of being someone customers want to buy from, the necessity of holding yourself accountable to outcomes and benchmarks, and why you have to be ruthless with qualification criteria.

Episode 27 - How to Streamline Buying & Selling with Peter Borkovich, SVP Sales at Yotpo
In this episode, Peter and I discuss the why behind deals, the 3 levels of a sale, and how to make it easier for buyers to buy and sellers to sell.

Episode 29 - Effort, Mutual Plans & Paranoia in the Sales Cycle with Paul Snelson, SVP of Global Sales at SysAid

In this episode, Paul and I discuss why effort is not optional, the critical role of mutual plans, and the benefit of being the paranoid sales rep.

Episode 30 - Nailing the Problem, Asking Great Questions & Overcoming Confirmation Bias with David Priemer, Founder of Cerebral Selling

In this episode, David and I discuss why it’s important to nail the problem rather than jumping to solutions, the art of asking great discovery questions, and strategies to eliminate confirmation bias.

Who should we bring on the podcast next?

Revenue and Leadership Podcasts and Books to Check Out!

Sales Players Podcast

Sales Players is the #1 show and online community for top players in B2B sales.  They share new, actionable ideas for revenue generators and break down the mindset, habits, and tools used by the highest performing operators in Sales and Business Development.

Check out the podcast here. They have a killer new episode dropping this week!

The Sales Leader they Need by David Priemer

The Sales Leader they Need is a powerful, research-backed dose of clarity into the leadership skills, tactics, and behaviors that will have the biggest impact on your bottom line.  

This is David's second book, and was released on the 1st of the month! Check out the book, and make sure you also listen to our recent episode of 10/10 GTM that features David!

New Features in Accord

In case you missed it, we have been busy working on lots of new features for our customers. From custom list views to library resources and automatic contact syncs with your CRM we are making it even easier to enforce execution excellence.  

Custom List Views

Looking for a specific view in Accord?  You can now customize your sorted column in Accords list views.

Comments & Internal Discussions

We are excited to announce two enhancements to Steps --> Comments and Internal Discussions! Designed to streamline your team's communication and collaboration.

Step Tasks: Ownership & Due Dates

This powerful addition transforms the way you and your customers navigate through complex sales processes, onboarding, and implementation. With step tasks, each step in your Accord becomes more manageable and transparent, ensuring every stakeholder is aligned.

Library Resources & Reporting

Get a stronger understanding of the impact your resources have on your pipeline. With library resources and reporting, you can get a clear view on how many Accords, and how much pipeline has been impacted by your resources. Available on Enterprise.

Automatic CRM Contact Sync

Accord Members can now sync with Salesforce/HubSpot Contacts. Accord will automatically create a new Salesforce/HubSpot contact and associate it with the connected Salesforce opportunity/ HubSpot Deal if the Accord member does not exist in the CRM.