is there a revenue red thread in 2024?

In this edition: the market is demanding new standards.
Transparent sales process - working together
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Hard to believe we are already two weeks into the new FY.. Or mid-Q1 for some! 

2023 was a wild year in revenue to say the least 

  • Quota attainment saw an average of 43%, down from 50.85% as per RepVue 
  • Layoffs persisted with nearly 1,200 tech companies contracting their workforce 
  • And some companies saw massive rounds of funding - OpenAI, Anthropic, Stripe etc. But not all funding is the same. While every round has its nuances, we’re seeing some investments are driven from a focus on AI, while others have a focus on liquidity. 

So what is the red thread here? Is there one? 

At its core, the market is demanding new standards on how revenue teams execute. What was once acceptable has changed, and inflated teams, missed quota, customers without activation and overall software sprawl is being scrutinized (it’s tough out there)

Operational efficiency is now the foundation for an effective GTM strategy. This starts with creating a repeatable and inspectable process for execution across every deal and every rep. 

Success in 2024 looks like raising the bar for what good looks like, and setting a standard across your revenue org. 

- Ross

In this newsletter:

  • Takeaways from last week's Account Planning Masterclass 
  • 10/10 GTM - Latest Episode with Kyle Norton 

Takeaways from the Account Planning Masterclass 

To win deals in 2024 it’s not enough to just show up on calls, go through the motions, and expect to win. Rigorous planning & deal strategy on every account is the key to tilting the odds in your favor.

That is why last week’s masterclass was 100% focused on Account Planning 

Key Takeaways from Ryan, Grayson, Jake and I? 

  1. Remember that account planning is execution based, not just research and planning. Think about it as a pursuit plan. Call the plays then execute.
  2. Ensure every question you are asking is valuable for that specific account. Account planning is rarely one size fits all. 
  3. Put yourself in the customer's shoes as you build your plan  

Check out the full recording here.

A screenshot of Jake, Grayson, Ryan, and Ross at the last Masterclass.

Looking to get started with account planning, download this plug-and-play template

10/10 GTM Podcast - Latest Episode with Kyle Norton

Just rounded out our 65th podcast episode since 2021! 

While I don’t think it will ever get less cringe-y hearing my own voice, it is super rewarding to look back on the journey so far. 

As we kick off episode 66, this is an ep you don’t want to miss. 

Kyle Norton (CRO @ dives into the Critical Role of Documentation, Dry Runs, and Structure, and shares some killer advice, insights and takeaways. 

His 3 tips for operationalizing deal excellence? 

  1. Document everything.  In a remote world, it’s essential to provide information and assets to your team so they can execute at a high level without needing to ask for help over Slack. 
  2.  Dry runs. For key meetings (proposals, negotiations, etc), it’s critical to have a dry run where you can practice your execution and draw out potential objections or diversions.
  3. Provide structure. If you’re leaving it to your reps to freestyle on every deal, it may go well sometimes, but will go poorly a lot of the time. Structure is key for repeatable success. also just announced their Series B raise of $33M (congrats!) 

Check out the full episode on Apple Podcast, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you listen!