the multi-threading master edition šŸ“°

Transparent sales process - working together
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Hey there šŸ‘‹

Why do sellers s*ck at getting to power?

They know execs make decisions and have budget discretionā€¦ but Iā€™ve yet to talk to a sales leader whose team *doesnā€™t* consistently spend too much time below the power line šŸ¤Ø

Weā€™ve all lived it.

That great seller builds amazing champs and a strong business case, then fails to get the deal done late stages because theyā€™re missing a key exec stakeholder. Ā 

Time kills all deals, so itā€™s too late once itā€™s identified.

My best guesses:

1) It feels easier. Below the line folks ā€œget it.ā€ They get the product, speak the same language, and seem like they have the right motivation to get the deal done.

2) Fear. Theyā€™d rather be wrong with a peer than an exec, and since they donā€™t usually deeply understand their world as an AE or CSM, theyā€™re afraid of saying the wrong thing or getting that no from the all-powerful leader.

3) Deal execution. Thereā€™s not enough sales leaders who require, coach, and train AEs & CSMs on the fundamentals around exec engagement. Itā€™s a cheat code on deals and theyā€™re leaving tons of money on the table by not operationalizing this lever.

Do you agree with these or think thereā€™s something else going on? šŸ¤” Will share some tactics from sales leaders below on how to fix this.

- Ross

In this newsletter:

  • Masterclass recap: elite account planning + stakeholder mapping
  • ICYMI: templates to up-level your teamā€™s deal execution
  • How many sellers/sales leaders actually map stakeholders?

šŸ‘‘ Masterclass: Driving Elite Account Planning & Stakeholder Mapping

Masterclass recording: Account plans & stakeholder mapping

Is it me, or is just plain old sales-led sales back?!

With 500+ revenue leaders signed up in a week for our session yesterday on how to bring better multi-threading, stakeholder mapping & account planning to their teams ā€“ I think we have our answer.

Sorry, but your passionate end-user isn't enough to get by anymore. You need that ANDā€¦

  • Executive-level buy-in
  • Elite deal execution
  • Strategic acct planning

ā€¦if you want to consistently hit revenue targets in 2023 and onwards (for both new biz and existing customers).

Back to basics. I love it.

One of my fav tips from the session: build your account plans WITH your champion or customerā€¦ just ask them! Building it collaboratively will both be easier and enable you to focus on the right priorities / reach the right people.

(For more tactics from the pros, check out the masterclass recording!)


šŸ§° Templates to Up-Level Your Sales Teamā€™s Deal Execution

ICYMI, sharing a few templates weā€™ve created to help B2B sales teams map stakeholders, build business cases, and drive urgency with next steps on every deal.

šŸ‘„ Stakeholder mapping template for identifying & prioritizing key stakeholders and mapping their priorities

šŸŽÆ Business case template for aligning exec stakeholders, identifying key goals/challenges & use cases, and making your champions look like rockstars

āœ… Mutual action plan template for creating a shared path to success with your buyer, driving urgency & accountability from interest ā†’ close ā†’ implementation & beyond

(Shameless plug: you can also do all this & more in a single workspace with Accord šŸ˜‰)


šŸ“Š Poll Results: Stakeholder Mapping

During the masterclass yesterday, I ran this poll asking attendees the question ā€œDo you map key stakeholders today?ā€

Not too surprised at the results (as you could probably guess from the intro to this newsletter šŸ˜‰) but it just further confirms that thereā€™s a big gap in consistently getting to power on deals.

Poll: Do you map key stakeholders today?

If your team is also looking for ways to get better at this, happy to show you how 100+ GTM teams drive repeatable account plans + multi-threading with Accord. Grab time here.


Thanks for reading From Vendorship ā†’ Partnership šŸ‘‹

Ross Rich (CEO and Co-founder)

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