Introducing the Template Library

We’ve gotten a lot of feedback that Playbooks (templatized Accords) are a helpful way to build a repeatable sales and onboarding process.

However, your collaborative plans need to be as malleable as your customer's needs. One size does not fit all.

That’s why we’ve built the Template Library. You can now save Stages and Steps to your Library and add them to Accords in seconds.

Maybe there's an unexpected POC or security review. Or, you have a technical integration your engineering team needs to set up.

Simply add the Templatize process into your Accord from the Library sidebar.

Watch Ryan Rich, Accord's CPO, share an overview of the Template Library.

Using the Library

Add Library Stages and Steps to an Accord from the Library sidebar. Or, push Library content to any Accord from within the Library tab.

Adding a Stage to an Accord from your Library

Saving Content to the Library

Save Steps or Stages from an existing Accord or Playbook to your Library. Or, create new Steps and Stages directly in the Library Tab.

Saving a Stage to your Library

Give the Template Library a try in your workspace today, or get a free workspace!